FAQs on CQI and IRCA Certified Training
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Answers to your questions on booking, availability, payment and the different levels of courses.
If your question is not answered here, please contact us on +44 (0)20 7245 8600 or [email protected].
How do I book on a CQI and IRCA Certified Training course?
You can book courses directly with our Approved Training Partners who deliver the courses. Go to our course directory.
Can I pay for my course in instalments?
Our Approved Training Partners handle payment themselves. Once you have selected the course you want to attend, please visit the provider’s website or contact them for details of payment.
How much do the courses cost?
Prices and payment are handled by our Approved Training Partners. Once you have selected the course you want to attend, please visit the provider’s website for more details and to book.
What are the different levels of courses?
Foundation courses are the first level of courses. They are for people who are new to quality or auditing, or work in other professions.
Practitioner courses are for those who are currently practising quality or auditing and are in or aspire towards middle management.
Professional courses are the third and highest level of courses, for those who have completed the relevant Foundation or Practitioner-level courses. They are recommended for those who are currently practising quality or auditing at a mid to senior level and aspire towards leadership or senior management.
I have been working in quality for a number of years, but lack professional recognition of my knowledge. Can I start with the professional quality courses or do I have to take the practitioner courses first?
We usually recommend that if you want to take a Practitioner or Professional-level course, you first take the corresponding lower-level courses. However every case is different, and we appreciate that going straight to a higher-level course may be suitable for some people. Please contact the course provider for more information.
When will the quality courses be available?
Foundation level quality courses are currently available for delegates to book on, go to the course directory to find an Approved Training Partner that delivers these courses in a location near you. Practitioner and professional level quality course specifications have been released to our network of Approved Training Partners and we expect them to be available soon. Register your interest for these courses and when a new course becomes available, we will email you.
Can I study on a distance-learning basis?
Some of our training partners offer distance learning for some courses – check with the provider of your course.
Find a course
Find details of all our CQI and IRCA Certified Training courses and the Approved Training Partners who provide them.
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Search our database of global Approved Training Partners for this course in a location near you.
Register your interest in CQI and IRCA Certified Training

Register your interest and when new auditing and quality courses become available via our Approved Training Partners, we’ll let you know.
What’s your training level?
Not sure which level of training is right for you? Take the CQI training quiz and find out.