World Quality Week 2024 Resources
Welcome to our resources page for World Quality Week 2024.
We have compiled a range of materials focused on this year's theme: "Quality: from compliance to performance." Discover and utilise our diverse range of tools and guides to elevate your quality practices and gain a competitive edge.
Quality Begins Where Compliance Ends
Showcase: Mott MacDonald Quality Academy
WQW resources
Downloadable resourcesPermission to use World Quality Week 2024 assetsWe encourage you to make the most of the World Quality Week 2024 assets. You are free to use and edit these materials to suit your organisation’s needs, including adding your own slogan and logo, as long as it is not offensive and aligns with the theme and topic. The main guideline is to ensure that the official World Quality Week logo is not modified or obscured, and remains clearly legible in all materials. You are welcome to place your organisation’s logo alongside it. |
Quality World Online (members only articles)
CQI articles and blogs
- Building strong quality cultures and capabilities in organisations
- Championing a quality culture
- Navigating the complexities of compliance, performance and quality
- Delivering quality through authentic, effective, and brave leadership
- Driving the future of quality through research and learning
- From compliance to performance through quality culture
- Insight into companies – culture is what's left
- AI automation driving digital acceleration in testing
- Changing minds
- Sea change in aerospace and defence certification process
- Leveraging GenAI for quality engineering
- The sky is the limit
- Enhancing the role of auditing to boost organisational capability
Extra resources
- American Society for Quality (ASQ)
- Harvard Business Review
- Toyota Production System (TPS)
- Intel’s Continuous Improvement in Manufacturing
- Case Study: How medical technology firm Lifescan used audit to improve compliance and performance
- Lean Enterprise Institute
- LRQA: Supply chain ESG global risk outlook 2024
- Six Sigma Daily
- LRQA: Five reasons why your supply chain may be compromising product integrity
- Quality Management Journal
- Gartner
- LRQA Podcast: The Era of Assurance 4.0: Assuring Assets and Management Systems
- LRQA: Your Guide to Corporate ESG Reporting
- LRQA Podcast: ISO and Climate Change: Why Are Many of the Familiar ISO Management System Standards Being Amended, and What Does This Mean for Standards Users?
- Rove Consultancy
- Webinar: "Taking a Lean Approach to Operational Performance"
- Webinar: "Augmented Intelligence Inside a Culture of Compliance"
- Webinar: "Risks Associated with the Quality System - ISO 9001 - 2015"
- Webinar: "The Fundamentals of Risk Management - An Exploration of ISO 31000:201
- Webinar: "IQA 2023 Case study: Bachy Soletanche, winner of the Sustainability Impact award"
- Webinar: "Three pillars of sustainability — How do they link to the quality profession?"
- Webinar: "IQA 2023 Case study: Tilbury Douglas, finalist of the Digital Innovation award"
- Webinar: "Embedding Quality: Fostering Shared Learning and Innovation"
- Webinar: "The Profession Map | How to navigate Improvement competence area"
- The Quality Toolbox by Nancy R. Tague
- Out of the Crisis by W. Edwards Deming
- The Lean Six Sigma Pocket Toolbook by Michael L. George, David Rowlands, and Mark Price
- Total Quality Management and Operational Excellence: Text with Cases by John S. Oakland
- The Toyota Way: 14 Management Principles from the World's Greatest Manufacturer by Jeffrey Liker
- Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us by Daniel H. Pink
- The Goal: A Process of Ongoing Improvement by Eliyahu M. Goldratt and Jeff Cox
- Lean Thinking: Banish Waste and Create Wealth in Your Corporation by James P. Womack and Daniel T. Jones
- Quality Is Free: The Art of Making Quality Certain by Philip B. Crosby
Please note that CQI does not endorse any of the books listed above; we are simply providing recommendations.