Technical resources
Read the latest on the ISO 14001:2015 certification process, how to conduct an internal audit, how to comply with ISO 9001:2015, and more.

Sea change in aerospace and defence certification process
Dr David Scrimshire, Managing Director of TEC Transnational, takes a closer look at recent proposed changes to the certification process for aerospace and defence organisations.

The importance of gap assessments in auditing
Conducting a gap assessment is a vital first step when implementing a new management system or integrating one with an existing system. IRCA Lead Auditor Andy Lau explains the steps that must be taken to ensure conformance with certification body standards.

Streamlining the audit process
Pedro Medel Reyes, Quality and Compliance Manager at Perforadora México of Grupo México, has streamlined the audit process for his company to improve efficiency. Here, he explains the work which led to him becoming a finalist in the Emerging Talent Award at this year’s CQI International Quality Awards.

Continuing risk-based audits during a pandemic
Gordon McNeil, IRCA Principal Auditor, has conducted audits globally in a variety of industries, including nuclear, defence, aerospace and civil aviation. He shares his experience and advice on how remote audits can continue to be conducted during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Preventing the recurrence of a nonconformance
Ravindiran Gurusamy, IRCA Certificated Associate Auditor, offers an overview of nonconformance and the corrective action process for management system standards.

Influencing objectivity and integrity in audits
William Rankin, CQP FCQI, Management System and Audit Manager at Inmarsat, UK, takes a look at how quality managers and internal auditors can work together to ensure objectivity and integrity is achieved during audits.

How to conduct an internal audit
Sponsored article: Auditing is not a new technique and has been used in various guises for many years, especially for financial purposes. This article aims to show how management system internal auditing has changed in recent years and where to start with conducting one.

A common-sense approach to internal IMS audits
Sponsored article: Alan Grogan, CQP MCQI, shares his six-step model to managing the requirements of auditing integrated management systems.

The importance of the business continuity management system
We take a closer look at the fastest growing ISO standard, ISO 22301:2012, and explain how you can use the standard effectively.

ISO 22000:2018 set to impact the global food sector
As the standard for food safety management systems undergoes a major revision, Ian Dunlop, CQP FCQI, explains the most significant changes.
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