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Enhancing global transparency
In late October, it became mandatory for all accreditation and certification bodies to upload information relating to management systems certifications to the IAF CertSearch database. We speak to Nigel Johnston, CEO of Quality Trade, which developed the database, about the value CertSearch offers to organisations.

Selecting the right problem-solving strategy
Derek Scott, CQP FCQI, Quality Manager at Rubberatkins, Scotland, takes a look at models and strategies for problem-solving.

Essentials for a safe on-site audit
Sharjeel Farooq, IRCA Principal Auditor, and Director of Advanced Certifications Pvt Limited in Pakistan, shares his experience and advice on how to hold a safe on-site audit during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Quality 4.0 research project background
The world is experiencing a transformation in the way businesses, organisations and governments operate

Utilising the '8D Approach' in business
Stephanie Herring, Quality Manager at Wales Fertility Institute, UK, explains why the 8D approach should be applied when investigating non-conformances.

Auditing Santa's Workshop
With Christmas soon approaching, Hussain Ali, CQP MCQI, Quality Manager at Jacobs Engineering, explains how an audit at Santa’s Workshop taught him how to deliver more efficient audits during and after the festive season.

Process automation and the quality professional
Richard Seddon, Managing Partner at Process Management International (PMI), UK, explains why quality professionals need to embrace process automation tools in this digitally advanced era.

Eliminating the costs of poor quality
Vimala Balusamy, CQP MCQI, Quality and Project Management Consultant, India, shares her five steps to help prevent poor quality costs in businesses.

Strengthening customer relationships through quality assurance
Ben Dewison, Specialist Member of The Institute of Customer Service, UK, explains the importance of quality assurance and how it can be used to improve customer relationships.

Setting and applying SMART objectives
Sam Kinch, Quality Management Consultant at, highlights the importance of SMART objectives and how businesses should apply them.