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Strengths and weaknesses of the checklist approach to auditing
Andrew Ward CQP MCQI examines the benefits and challenges of taking a checklist approach to audits.

Use of AI in third-party certification processes
Ian Rosam CQP MCQI, Chief Product Officer at DeepFathom and a member of the CQI's Audit special interest group, takes a closer look at how artificial intelligence has been integrated into UKAS-accredited certification processes.

The future of auditing ESG – or anything else
Ian Rosam CQP MCQI takes a closer look at how audits can help organisations align their business activities with environmental, social and governance (ESG) principles.

Calibration – that's what you need
Accurate measures and tests are vital when it comes to producing any goods or services – so doesn’t it make sense to ‘calibrate’ the people who are doing the measuring and testing, asks Andy Nichols CQP FCQI

Sea change in aerospace and defence certification process
Dr David Scrimshire, Managing Director of TEC Transnational, takes a closer look at recent proposed changes to the certification process for aerospace and defence organisations.

Enhancing the role of auditing to boost organisational capability
How can enhancing the role of auditing boost an organisation’s capability, sustainability, compliance, resilience and performance? Ian Rosam CQP FCQI, Chief Product Officer at DeepFathom and a member of the CQI's Audit special interest group, takes a closer look at the benefits of moving away from the traditional audit role.

Updated ISO/IEC 27006-1:2024 giving confidence in certification
BS EN ISO/IEC 27006-1:2024, giving requirements for bodies that provide audit and certification of information security management systems, was published in March this year. Steve Watkins, Chair of the BSI technical committee IST/33 for information security, cybersecurity and privacy protection standards, and co-editor of the standard, talks through its key points.

The key to compliance
IRCA Principal Auditor Ravindiran Gurusamy examines the compliance obligations that are required in an environmental management system.

Planning audits using Quality 4.0
Divine Ashu, an IRCA-certified Lead Auditor in Cameroon, looks at the importance of Quality 4.0 in auditing.

Quality management systems offering sustainable solutions to reduce waste
Murugesh Siva examines how quality management systems can assist in the key areas of managing both industrial and metal waste.