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Quality management systems offering sustainable solutions to reduce waste
Murugesh Siva examines how quality management systems can assist in the key areas of managing both industrial and metal waste.

Adding value to audits of management systems
Senior auditor Pedro Mejias outlines five ways in which the audit process can create value to the auditee.

What role does data play in ensuring quality?
Poornima Ramaswamy, Chief Transformation Officer of business analytics platform Qlik, outlines the important role played by real-time data in ensuring quality in production.

Essentials for a safe on-site audit
Sharjeel Farooq, IRCA Principal Auditor, and Director of Advanced Certifications Pvt Limited in Pakistan, shares his experience and advice on how to hold a safe on-site audit during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Implementing an SPC programme
Analysing your organisation’s performance over time can be challenging. Derek Scott, senior Quality Assurance and Quality Control advisor for ICR, explores how to select the best process and examine your data to achieve the best results

Quality World magazine
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