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Brexit: Statements from BSI, UKAS and the CQI
As the quality profession rises to the challenge, UKAS, BSI and the CQI issue statements on the potential implications of Brexit.
14 hours
BCMS ISO 22301:2019 Internal Auditor
CQI and IRCA Certified BCMS Auditor Training courses will equip you with the knowledge and skills to assess business continuity management systems for conformance to ISO 22301.
CF2000: building a supply chain free of conflict minerals
Dr Keith Jones, CQP MCQI, and Peter Ellis explain how the new CF2000 standard will help you build a supply chain free from conflict minerals and modern slavery.
Update: New health and safety standard delayed
The new international standard for occupational health and safety, ISO 45001, has been delayed after national standard bodies narrowly rejected the latest draft.
ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015 – CQI Transition Policy
CQI and IRCA Transition Policy for ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015
The New Quality Profession Challenge
This CQI publication is essential reading for quality professionals and business leaders. You'll learn how the quality profession contributes to business, the challenges that the future holds for the quality profession and how the CQI’s unique Competency Framework addresses these challenges.