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Bring the mountain to you
Ryan Renard CQP FCQI examines the parallels between martial arts and the quality profession.

The process approach to audit – a unicorn?
A 'process approach' is mentioned in the guidance documents for several standards, but is not defined in terms of implementing an audit of a quality management system. Andy Nichols CQP FCQI takes a closer look at this apparent paradox.

Cultivating a company-wide culture of quality
In recognition of World Quality Week 2024, Rasoul Aivazi, an international Project Quality Lead and Lead Auditor, reflects on the theme of ‘Quality: From compliance to performance’ and how this can assist in developing a company-wide culture of quality.

Feeling safe to speak up
Do you feel able to flag issues or mistakes in your workplace, asks quality management trainer and coach Alan Clark CQP FCQI.

The future of auditing ESG – or anything else
Ian Rosam CQP MCQI takes a closer look at how audits can help organisations align their business activities with environmental, social and governance (ESG) principles.

Working towards a zero-harm mindset
Caitlin McArthur, Zero Harm Mindset Delivery and Deployment Manager at Sodexo, offers a case study of how the organisation is working to improve health and safety outcomes for the benefit of employees and the wider organisation.

Dealing with time pressures
In our latest dilemma, find out how to avoid delays with audits and ensure they’re delivered within the audit plan’s designated timeframe.

Process automation and the quality professional
Richard Seddon, Managing Partner at Process Management International (PMI), UK, explains why quality professionals need to embrace process automation tools in this digitally advanced era.

Creating a quality culture with TQM
Miguel Cartañá, Senior Quality Consultant at AQC Group, Spain, explains the importance of Total Quality Management (TQM), and the principles quality teams and their businesses should adopt to achieve success.

Risk-based thinking in ISO 9001
Ian Stahler, CQP MCQI, Independent Quality Specialist, explains why a revision for ISO 9001’s risk-based thinking requirements is needed for businesses in current times.