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Building a quality career
As part of a series of articles on different routes into quality, we speak to Rob Annels PCQI, who made the move into the quality profession after 20 years in the construction industry.

Impact of climate change considerations on ISO 45001
IRCA Principal Auditor Ravindiran Gurusamy takes a closer look at the impact of ISO’s climate change amendment on ISO 45001 when considering an occupational health and safety management system.

How to address the green skills gap in your organisation?
Gary Ruffhead CQP MCQI examines the role of quality infrastructure in addressing the green skills gap.

Can your tendering process build potential failure into your project?
Dave Sheedy, CQP MCQI, Quality Assurance Manager at ArcelorMittal Kent Wire Ltd, UK, explains the life-saving importance of suppliers producing the correct accreditation for the latest construction quality standards.

The cost of rework: Finding the key to improving productivity in construction
Seán Connolly, the quality leader at Expanded, a Laing O'Rourke company, asks whether reducing rework is the key to improving productivity in construction.

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