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The quality professional in the era of sustainability and Quality 4.0
Deming special interest group members Christopher Chinapoo CQP FCQI and Dr Kevan Leach examine the skills and roles the quality professional needs to operate collectively in the era of sustainability.

Elevating the customer experience
In a crowded market, how can quality professionals ensure their brand stands out? Susan Samaroo CQP MCQI explains the benefits of a ‘surprise and delight’ approach.

Embracing the full picture
Susan Samaroo CQP MCQI outlines the critical role of a 360° business process map in an organisation.

Innovation: the great opportunity
The CQI’s fifth Corporate Connect event of the year explored how human design thinking can encourage successful innovation.

Quality World magazine
The leading independent magazine dedicated to quality. Find out how to subscribe, read a sample below, or access this month's issue online now if you're a member of the CQI or IRCA.

Leading Quality in the 21st Century (ebook)
A collection of six articles commissioned by the CQI from experts at Oakland Consulting looks at the new challenges facing the quality profession.

How quality adds billions to the UK's economy
How much is quality management worth to the UK? A groundbreaking study revealed that in 2011 quality management practices contributed £90bn to the economy (six per cent of GDP), £9.1bn in taxes to the treasury and 1.4 million jobs.