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The Profession Map: what it means for auditors
Learn how The Profession Map applies to you and what it means for the future of the auditing profession.

ICP's ongoing journey to innovation
The team from the Federal Authority for Identity, Citizenship, Customs & Port Security in the UAE – named as one of two Quality Organisation of the Year winners at this year’s International Quality Awards – was also a finalist for the Digital Innovation Award.

ISO 9001 and 14001 white papers
Download the free ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015: Understanding the International Standards white papers

Annex SL: Will it make a difference?
Mark Braham, CQI team leader on ISO/TC 176, outlines the crucial role of Annex SL ahead of the revisions to ISO 9001.

Quality World magazine
The leading independent magazine dedicated to quality. Find out how to subscribe, read a sample below, or access this month's issue online now if you're a member of the CQI or IRCA.