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Enhancing global transparency
In late October, it became mandatory for all accreditation and certification bodies to upload information relating to management systems certifications to the IAF CertSearch database. We speak to Nigel Johnston, CEO of Quality Trade, which developed the database, about the value CertSearch offers to organisations.

How to address the green skills gap in your organisation?
Gary Ruffhead CQP MCQI examines the role of quality infrastructure in addressing the green skills gap.

Utilising the '8D Approach' in business
Stephanie Herring, Quality Manager at Wales Fertility Institute, UK, explains why the 8D approach should be applied when investigating non-conformances.

Eliminating the costs of poor quality
Vimala Balusamy, CQP MCQI, Quality and Project Management Consultant, India, shares her five steps to help prevent poor quality costs in businesses.

The impact of Covid-19 on quality professionals
The CQI has partnered with quality management software provider Qualsys to release Covid-19: The impact of coronavirus on quality professionals, a report looking at how the spread of Covid-19 has affected the quality profession.

CQI hosts Corporate Partner roundtable
The CQI launched its first Corporate Partner roundtable of the year with a focus on influencing the quality agenda; culture and leadership in quality

Quality World magazine
The leading independent magazine dedicated to quality. Find out how to subscribe, read a sample below, or access this month's issue online now if you're a member of the CQI or IRCA.