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The quality professional in the era of sustainability and Quality 4.0
Deming special interest group members Christopher Chinapoo CQP FCQI and Dr Kevan Leach examine the skills and roles the quality professional needs to operate collectively in the era of sustainability.

Elevating the customer experience
In a crowded market, how can quality professionals ensure their brand stands out? Susan Samaroo CQP MCQI explains the benefits of a ‘surprise and delight’ approach.

CQI Healthcare Networking Group
The Healthcare Networking Group has been established to discuss and inform on all aspects of Quality Management in a Healthcare setting. This group will discuss the design and implementation of a Quality Management System in compliance with BS ISO 7101:2023.

Ensuring quality is baked right in
Manufacturer Dr Schär produces food for people with special nutritional needs, with quality at the heart of the production process from field to plate. Here, we take a closer look at a case study of an organisation that employs continuous improvement to meet stringent standards in food safety – and taste.

Embracing the full picture
Susan Samaroo CQP MCQI outlines the critical role of a 360° business process map in an organisation.

Innovation: the great opportunity
The CQI’s fifth Corporate Connect event of the year explored how human design thinking can encourage successful innovation.

Enhancing construction through digital technology
Ian Mills and Mike Buss speak to Alicia Dimas about how new technologies are changing the construction industry and helping quality managers to better perform their jobs.

Whole process improvement in construction projects
Helen Soulou, CQP FCQI, quality manager at Heathrow Airport, explains how the quality toolbox can transform a culture of snag lists and rework.

Getting value from your supply chain
Bob Hughes, CQP FCQI, explains why an organisation’s products and services are only as good as its supply chain.

Taking the mystery out of ISO 9001:2015
The CQI spoke to Lucy Payne, CQP MCQI, quality management consultant at CQI and IRCA Approved Training Partner, Vale Quality Management Services to find out her career advice and how the training clarifies ISO 9001:2015.