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Upholding the ethics of auditing
What ethical challenges could an auditor face when scrutinising an organisation’s quality management system? George Nyambuya PCQI takes a closer look.

The process approach to audit – a unicorn?
A 'process approach' is mentioned in the guidance documents for several standards, but is not defined in terms of implementing an audit of a quality management system. Andy Nichols CQP FCQI takes a closer look at this apparent paradox.

The future of auditing ESG – or anything else
Ian Rosam CQP MCQI takes a closer look at how audits can help organisations align their business activities with environmental, social and governance (ESG) principles.

I hear this a lot when auditing...
How can an organisation demonstrate that it has communicated its quality, environment, and health and safety policies to all employees? Lead Auditor Andy Lau explains.

Unlocking the key to successful audits
A well-planned audit is the key to success, says Quality Assurance Quality Control Engineer K Amarnath.

Nonconformity – not the end of the world?
When Lead Auditor Andy Lau issues a nonconformity in an audit finding, he resists the urge to change his report in response to client comments. Here, he tells us why

A quality education
Elina Hajiyeva PCQI, a Lead Auditor at BOS Shelf, Azerbaijan, outlines the importance of a quality education in encouraging graduates into the quality sector.

The art of asking the right question
In the search for answers, we don’t often stop to think whether we are asking the right questions, but for anyone working in auditing, this key skill should not be underestimated.

Unlocking competitive potential with efficient leadership
Lead auditor Rasoul Aivazi examines how the PDSA/PDCA cycle unlocks the competitive potential of an organisation.

Overcoming Six Sigma scepticism
Compliance auditor Agata Kucharczyk outlines the significant benefits of employing Six Sigma methodologies, as well as ISO standards, to improve the quality of an organisation’s output.