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Leading the quality profession with enhanced skills and knowledge
For World Quality Week 2024, Mike Turner, Head of Profession, CQI, explores the opportunities for quality management practices in today’s rapidly changing world. Quality professionals who develop new skills, knowledge and effective leadership behaviours will leverage influence in their organisations and in responding to global issues.

Beyond compliance: elevating quality systems to drive performance
For our World Quality Week 2024 series, Chief Executive Vince Desmond discusses how meeting compliance only is not performing. Investment in quality systems leads to better organisational performance and delivers greater value for customers and wider society.

The quality professional in the era of sustainability and Quality 4.0
Deming special interest group members Christopher Chinapoo CQP FCQI and Dr Kevan Leach examine the skills and roles the quality professional needs to operate collectively in the era of sustainability.

Building strong quality cultures and capabilities in organisations
Advocacy and fostering strong relationships are essential for building and integrating quality capability throughout an organisation. Fiona Payne, Senior Quality Manager at CapGemini, Lee Major, Deputy Director, Quality and Regulatory Assurance Division at UKHSA and Chris Achillea, HSEQ Director at Sodexo share their insights on the integral role quality professionals can play in achieving a quality culture and embedding quality capabilities to drive organisational performance.

Role of observers and technical specialists in quality audits
Andrew Ward CQP MCQI outlines the roles of observers and technical specialists in audits – and the ground rules required to ensure a smooth audit process.

Championing a quality culture
Implementing an organisation-wide quality culture requires strong leadership with a clear vision, employee engagement and an openness to embracing technology. In the first of two blogs, Mitchell Reed CQP MCQI, Quality Manager, CloudNC, explores how organisations can champion a quality culture to improve, drive innovation and secure a competitive advantage.

Better by design
Quality systems not only make good sense for a successful business, they are increasingly important in ensuring a fairer and cleaner world, says senior auditor Pedro Mejias.

Setting a precedent in Yemen
Nassar Almahfadi, QHSE Lead Auditor and Regional Manager of Quality Systems in HSA Group, recently broke new ground when becoming the first IRCA-certified auditor in Yemen. Learn more about his quality journey.

Metrics motivate performance and behaviours
How often do you think about the behaviours your metrics motivate? Are they the ‘right’ ones, and will they motivate ethical behaviours and approaches, asks Ryan Renard CQP FCQI

Calibration – that's what you need
Accurate measures and tests are vital when it comes to producing any goods or services – so doesn’t it make sense to ‘calibrate’ the people who are doing the measuring and testing, asks Andy Nichols CQP FCQI