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Bridging the gap
Anar Malikov CQP FCQI outlines how quality frameworks can be adapted to make them fit for every business.

Why 'fast' must go out of fashion
The fast fashion industry raises a number of questions around quality control, supply chains and sustainability. Dr Pauline Bremner, an associate professor and lecturer in retail and fashion management at Robert Gordon University near Aberdeen, discusses how a greater emphasis on quality is at the heart of mitigating its impacts.

Management systems and climate change
There must be cross-over between standards if management systems are to play their full role in helping tackle the environmental crisis, says senior auditor Pedro Mejias.

Strengths and weaknesses of the checklist approach to auditing
Andrew Ward CQP MCQI examines the benefits and challenges of taking a checklist approach to audits.

Enhancing global transparency
In late October, it became mandatory for all accreditation and certification bodies to upload information relating to management systems certifications to the IAF CertSearch database. We speak to Nigel Johnston, CEO of Quality Trade, which developed the database, about the value CertSearch offers to organisations.

Challenges of ensuring quality in AI
With artificial intelligence now an established part of our working lives, Damien Tiller explains how quality professionals can ensure quality is baked in when AI processes are implemented.

Use of AI in third-party certification processes
Ian Rosam CQP MCQI, Chief Product Officer at DeepFathom and a member of the CQI's Audit special interest group, takes a closer look at how artificial intelligence has been integrated into UKAS-accredited certification processes.

Leveraging GenAI for quality engineering
Dave Colwell, Vice President of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning at Tricentis, explores how generative artificial intelligence can be used to support quality in software development.
- Virtual/Online
Undercover ISMS: Unlocking Its True Potential Beyond Compliance
Join speaker Mark Evans as he discusses how reframing the Information Security Management Systems (ISMS) can help foster a stronger culture of quality, security, and continuous improvement within our businesses.

The key to compliance
IRCA Principal Auditor Ravindiran Gurusamy examines the compliance obligations that are required in an environmental management system.